15:57 | 24.04.2015

The best students of the School of local self-governance from the last year completed the training on interactive methods in adult education with flying colors.

On April 23-24 the training for the participants of the last-year School of local self-governance was held.  

DESPRO organizedtraining on interactive methods in adult educationfor13 employees of the local self-governments-the best students of the last-year School - 2014.

At the seminar the participants could familiarize themselves with diverse techniques and methods of interactive training, acquire the basic skills of putting together a high-quality training course, implement acquired knowledge and skills in practice. As a result of training the best students will be invited to conduct short workshops for the next School of local self-governance in May   20-22, 2015.

It is noteworthy that the aforementioned event was permeated with the most diverse methods of interactive training: active discussions, brain storms, ice-breaking play, group work and other exercises allowing the participants the best absorption of the offered material. Moreover, the participants received “homework” – to devise a training on a specific topic using one of the interactive methods offered by the trainers. Thus, the students were given an opportunity to test their knowledge in real life, as trainers, offering their colleagues a training module, devised by them.  

At the end of training potential partners were identified to share their best practices in the course of the future trainings organized by DESPRO. 

Короткая ссылка на новость: https://despro.org.ua/~odpYG