Despro Publications
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the Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC),
the issue of gender equality is transversal for the DESPRO project and
is taken into consideration at all stages of the project’s implementation,
from project design to implementation and monitoring. An important aspect
of the DESPRO approach is that by improving access and quality of
public services, primarily, water supply and waste water management,
DESPRO facilitates gender equality and is beneficial to women who,
especially in rural areas, are traditionally overloaded with housework.
>read full brief
Brief on DESPRO Gender Equality Support
In accordance with the vision ofthe Swiss Agency for Cooperation and Development (SDC),
the issue of gender equality is transversal for the DESPRO project and
is taken into consideration at all stages of the project’s implementation,
from project design to implementation and monitoring. An important aspect
of the DESPRO approach is that by improving access and quality of
public services, primarily, water supply and waste water management,
DESPRO facilitates gender equality and is beneficial to women who,
especially in rural areas, are traditionally overloaded with housework.
>read full brief
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